Whenever a respirator is required on the job, employers must ensure employees are properly trained, medically cleared and fit tested to wear a respirator prior to initial use and annually thereafter. .
According to OSHA CFR 1910.134, The employer shall ensure that an employee using a tight-fitting facepiece respirator is fit tested prior to initial use of the respirator, whenever a different respirator facepiece (size, style, model or make) is used, and at least annually thereafter.
Cost: $35.00
A medical evaluation must be performed on every employee required to use a respirator prior to being fit tested. OTS offers an online respiratory clearance that is fully HIPPA and OSHA compliant to get your employees instantly cleared prior to fit testing. Online evaluation takes approximately 15 minutes. Must call OTS to schedule evaluation.
Online Medical Clearance Portal
Cost: $45.00
Qualitative fit testing is a pass/fail test method that uses your reaction to an irritant in order to detect leakage into the respirator facepiece. Qualitative fit testing does not measure the actual amount of leakage. Qualitative fit testing is normally used for half-mask respirators or filtering facepiece respirators (often called N95s).
According to OSHA CFR 1910.134, The employer shall ensure that an employee using a tight-fitting facepiece respirator is fit tested prior to initial use of the respirator, whenever a different respirator facepiece (size, style, model or make) is used, and at least annually thereafter.
Cost: $75.00
Quantitative fit testing uses a machine to measure the actual amount of leakage into the facepiece and does not rely on your sense of taste, smell, or irritation in order to detect leakage.
Quantitative fit testing can be used for any type of tight-fitting respirator, however is mostly performed on full face respirators.